A vibrant DRT Bar Association is an asset for the smooth functioning of the DRTs.
A vibrant Bar Association is an institution in itself where the members exchange views on professional issues related to Banking Law.
A vibrant Bar Association is an area where members can relax even in an stimulating environment.
Team BankDRT has a scheme to make Bar Association e-savvy.
BankDRT will provide FREE login scheme in the premises of the DRT Bar Association with unlimited access to the site.
BankDRT will provide bulk logins to the DRT Bar Association at a hefty discounts which it can distribute to its members at a nominal premium or on cost to cost basis.
BankDRT will host circulars, instructions and notices from the DRT Bar Association.
BankDRT will circulate the instructions / notices to members of the DRT Bar Association using our dedicated email services.
Interested in the above services, please get in touch with us.
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